A collecting trip in Italy |
Diego Montanari
was an hot and sunny morning when we moved to the coast. We were in August
, and since the climate was just perfect for a collecting trip, we planned
to visit Cervia’s salt-works (Saline di Cervia). It’s a really
interesting area where the water ranges from brackish (density =
1.005-1.010 g/l) to marine or even extra-salted (d= 1.030-1.035 g/l). My Team was made up of 3 elements: an aquarist
(like me) very interested in killies and livebearers, an experienced
fisherman with a regular fishing license (One can never know if you’ll
undergo a control…) and me. The main channel (on the right side of the
road) was very clear and warm (even if it was morning), and it’s
directly connected with the salt-works that were in sight looking over the
body of water.
The main channel. You can see the salt-works over
In order to obtain that the fish enter our nets, we fed them with some
pieces of bread placed right in the middle of the fishing-nets. Within
some minutes many fishes will enjoy that food and it’s easy to bring
them out of the water. Using this method we collected many specimens of
different species: Aphanius
fasciatus (mostly among the vegetation- we brought back about 20 ones),
Atherina boyeri,
mullet, crayfish that were all released before returning. Regrettably no Gambusia there…
the salinity was too high (more than 1.030 g/l!).
The secondary channel where we collected Gambusia
prefer a low density and, in fact, they swims near the surface. Instead Aphanius ranges from the bottom to the top not caring too much on
density. The pH in both streams was from 8 to 8.5. We brought back also some G.holbrooki
that are still doing well in my tanks such as A.fasciatus. |